October 7, 2008

There could be no lights…no camera…no action. That’s if the Screen Actors Guild elects to strike. Leaders of SAG told me they think members will give the green light to strike if the issue is put to a vote. Actors are basically looking for the same kind of compensation that the writers wanted when they struck back at the beginning of the year. I asked the head of the Screen Actors Guild if he thought it was wrong to strike during such a poor economic climate. He said, “I understand people are afraid the economy's bad, but we're talking about the future, we're talking about the future of actors." The Screen Actors Guild will talk about a possible strike on the 18th.

Republican Presidential nominee John McCain is reportedly in talks to appear on the Late Show with David Letterman around the 15th. Over the past 2 weeks Dave has been pretty unrelenting of his criticism of McCain ever since McCain cancelled his appearance on his show to instead talk to Katie Couric. At the time McCain claimed he was canceling to fly to D.C. to deal with the financial crisis. It has been good between them since.

Much like “the truth”, David Duchovny is “out there.” David is out of rehab which he checked into in August for sex addiction. He’s about to start work on a new movie and has already been photographed out and about walking the street. Not that he’s a street walker…though with his condition I wouldn’t put it past him…

Paris Hilton thinks she’s mommy material. And heck, judging by how little she’s been in the tabloids recently for doing bad things or not wearing underwear, I’m actually ok with that. She told me she wants 3 or 4 kids and wants to start working on that in the next year or two. I’m sure it won’t be a problem. She started practicing about 10 years ago.

STAR Artist Natasha Bedingfield has recorded a new video on YouTube all about her mom’s charity sky dive over Mount Everest I told you about last week. Her mom wants to make $2 million for the charity Global Angels and Natasha is basically just asking for your help it making the goal a reality. Check out the video and if yo'ure so inclined, click the link below the video to donate.
Donate here.

STAR Artist Coldplay was named The Best Act in the World Today at the Q Awards yesterday, given out by British music magazine Q. If they were the best act in the world today yesterday, I wonder if they’ll still be the best act in the world today, tomorrow?...

Victoria Beckham fixed her problem skin with geisha facials and a face cream made of nightingale droppings.

STAR Artist Pink will perform at the American Music Awards, November 22nd on ABC.

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