June 17, 2008

TV Guide's Top 10 Reality TV Villains
1. OMAROSA, The Apprentice
2. JONATHAN BAKER, The Amazing Race season 6
3. JONNY FAIRPLAY, Survivor: Pearl Islands
4. PUCK, The Real World: San Francisco
5. TRISH SCHNEIDER, The Bachelor
6. LISA FERNANDES, Top Chef: Chicago
8. WENDY PEPPER, Project Runway season 1
9. RAMONA SINGER, The Real Housewives of New York City
10. LISA D'AMATO, America's Next Top Model cycle 5

Thousands pf people, including President George Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, filed into the refectory of St. Albans School to pay final respects to Meet the Press host, Tim Russert. Check out the video:

Britney Spears dodged a bullet. Well, really she dodged a foot lawsuit. She avoided charges brought upon her by a paparazzo who claimed she ran over his foot with her car. The prosecutors were able to review video evidence taken by other paparazzi on the scene and determined the only way his foot could have been in the position to be run over is if he had put it there. I don’t know who else would have put it there but whatever.

STAR Artist John Mayer must have enjoyed his fan cruise in the Bahamas in February because plans are in the works for Mayercraft Carrier 2. You can buy tickets for the cruise, this time it’s going to Cabo, at
mayercraftcarrier.com. Who knows. Maybe you’ll run into Jennifer Anniston on the shuffleboard deck!

Tom Hanks won’t be bumpin’ into the Pope anytime soon. Filming for The DaVinci Code prequel Angels & Demons is underway but has now been banned from filming in two churches by the Roman diocese. A Vatican spokesperson told us the church wouldn’t stop the filming of exterior shots but wouldn’t cooperate beyond that.

Loudmouthed comedian Joan Rivers was bounced from a UK television show today after she got a little too…relaxed with her language. Joan was unaware the show wasn’t on a delay and in the middle on an interview said producers would have to bleep what she was about to say, then went off on some rant about Russell Crowe. So since there was no delay there was also no bleep button. Producers asked her to leave the show during a commercial break. Always the comedian she said to reporters the incident reminded her of her wedding night which she was asked to leave during the middle of as well. Do I even need to make a joke here? Here's the clip. WARNING: This clip contains strong adult language and is not suitable for children.

The latest guest expert to benefit from time on Oprah Winfrey's TV couch is Dr. Mehmet C. Oz. The author and cardiologist, a favorite of Oprah fans for his no-frills talks about an array of health problems, will star in his own Dr. Oz series, set to debut in the fall of 2009. Winfrey has launched the TV careers of life coach Dr. Phil and culinary wiz Rachael Ray.

Christian Bale would like you to know that playing the Joker in their upcoming Batman flick, The Dark Knight, is NOT what killed Heath Ledger. He says, "It's not for me to tell anybody or to pretend to have insights beyond what I absolutely know, but my instincts are that the idea Heath was disturbed by playing The Joker is ridiculous. Heath was somebody who, like myself, acted for that immersion in a character. It's not an unusual thing. And from working with him and knowing him, I don't think that was unusual for him at all." The Dark Knight hits theaters July 18th.

So much for all that talk that Lindsay Lohan can't be trusted on a movie set. One of the producers of her upcoming flick, Labor Pains, says, "We were a little bit reluctant to work with her, but she's been amazing. We took the chance. It's good that we did. So far, so good." Labor Pains is about a woman who pretends she's pregnant to keep from getting fired. It's due out sometime next year.

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